This Privacy Policy shall be read in conjunction with the Terms of Service (“Terms”). capitalized expression not defined in this Privacy Policy shall have the meaning ascribed to it in the Terms.

At the time of registering an account or during the usage of the Site, the Subscriber or the Non-Subscriber under the control and supervision of a Subscriber may be requested to furnish certain information (including personal information) to us (Transform Future Consulting Pvt Ltd.). We are committed to upholding the privacy and security of the information that is provided to us. This Privacy Policy discloses the practices followed by Owner on issues, inter alia, relating to type of information gathered and tracking of the same, processing and sharing, retention of information received, technology tools used in the course of Services which may gather information etc.

Unless otherwise stated, the terms “data” and “information” have been used interchangeably in this Privacy Policy.

Wherever applicable, the Subscriber shall be liable for all conditions, consents, obligations, notices and covenants contained in this Privacy Policy notwithstanding the fact that actual user of the Services may be a Non-Subscriber.

Consent by the User

You as the User hereby consent to and grants Owner the right to collect, retain, use, process, transfer, disclose and share any and all information (including but not limited to personal information) furnished by him/her to Owner through the Site or otherwise in accordance with and for the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy.

Information You Provide To Owner

You are required to provide data including your name, email address and/or mobile number, a password, details of the Non-Subscriber and any other information that may be essential to avail our Services and to create an account with Owner, including but not limited to your (or in case of a Non-Subscriber, his/her) institutional affiliation and details associated with it, financial information for making the payment on the Site. This information will enable us (i) to verify the identity of each Subscriber and provide you with Services; (b) protect the Site from any illegal activities; and (c) respond to any queries you may raise on the Site.

In order to create your (or where the Services are availed by a Non-Subscriber, the Non-Subscriber’s) profile, you and Non-Subscriber under your control and supervision may be required to provide information inter alia relating to your education, work experience, skills, photo, city or area where you are located, endorsements, interest areas, certifications and any such other information that you may want other Subscribers to use, process or download from your profile. Further, the Subscriber and/ or the Non-Subscriber may be required to provide additional information to fully utilize and avail the benefit of the Services. Owner may, at its discretion and if felt necessary to enhance the Service experience, permit the Subscriber (and/or the Non-Subscriber) to disclose certain information to other Users optionally.

Information provided by the Subscriber shall not and the Subscriber shall ensure that Non-Subscriber accessing the Site under his/her/its control does not violate any law or third party rights including intellectual property rights.

Data Collation and Tracking

User’s visit to the Site and use of Services are logged by the Owner.

We log usage data when Users visit or otherwise use the Services, including our Site, app and platform technology (e.g., our off-site plugins), such as when User views or clicks on any user generated or third party content (e.g., learning video) or ads (on or off our Site and apps), perform a search, share information or reports. We use tools such as log-ins, cookies, device information and internet protocol (“IP”) addresses to identify the User and log the usage.

Owner receives data from the User’s devices and networks, including location data.

When User visits or leaves Services (including our plugins or cookies or similar technology on the sites of others), we may receive the URL of both the site the User came from and the one User goes to next. We may also get information about the User’s IP address, proxy server, operating system, web browser and add-ons, device identifier and features, and/or ISP or the User’s mobile carrier. If Users use our Services from a mobile device, that device will send us data about User’s location. Most devices allow the User to prevent location data from being sent to us and we honor the User’s settings.

If the User communicates through our Services, we learn about that.

We collect information about the Users when Users send, receive, or engage with messages in connection with the Services. For example, if the Users get a Owner connection request, we track whether the Users have acted on it and will send the Users reminders.

You or Non-Subscriber under the control of a Subscriber may connect with other Subscribers or Non-Subscribers. The Site provides an on-line chat facility for Subscribers and Non-Subscribers. We monitor such interactions and gather relevant information. Subject to this Privacy Policy, such interactions may also be recorded by us provided that they shall be kept confidential at all times.

When the User’s school/college/employer buys a Service for them to use at school/college/work, they may provide certain data to Owner about the User.

How We Use the Data

The Services helps you and the Non-Subscriber to engage in their personal transition management, participate in other individuals’ transitions and connect with others, find and be found for guidance, learning and work opportunities, stay informed and enable successful learning and work transitions. It is our continuous endeavor to provide Content and Services that are relevant, unique, up to date and add value for our Subscribers and Non-Subscribers. Data provided by our Subscribers and Non-Subscribers under the control and supervision of Subscribers is crucial to this process.

How we use your and Non-Subscriber’s personal data primarily depends on Services you or a Non-Subscriber uses, how you or a Non-Subscriber uses those Services and the choices you or such Non-Subscriber makes in the account’s settings. We use the data that we have about you or the Non-Subscriber to provide, support, personalize and make our Services more relevant and useful to you and other Users. The data may also be used for internal training and improvement purposes and for research and development and enhancement of the quality of Services provided to you, including conducting market research and analytics. We may also use your personal data for legal and compliance requirements.

How We Share Information

Owner may use your and Non-Subscriber’s data if it is required by law (or in compliance with any judicial/regulatory order) to disclose the same and also when it reasonably believes that such use is necessary to protect its legal interests.

[Owner collaborates with international and domestic business partners to provide Content and Services. Any information you or Non-Subscriber under your supervision provides to Owner may be shared with such business partners or third parties, including the Owner’s channel partners, customers, service providers, authorized representatives and affiliates to further enhance the User’s experience on the Site or to provide additional facilities/opportunities/updates to the Users provided that such business partners or third parties agree to (i) keep the information shared confidential and not publish or disclose it further; (ii) strictly use it to enhance the Services; and (iii) accord the same level of protection as they provide to their confidential information or required under applicable laws.]

Change in Control or Sale

In the course of any corporate restructuring (including change in control/merger etc.) to which Owner is a party or intends to be a party, Subscriber data may be shared with relevant parties to the said restructuring process. The data shall be shared on the condition that the party receiving such data shall use the same strictly in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Modification to the Privacy Policy

Our Services are dynamic, and we often introduce new features, which may require the collection of new data from Subscribers or Non-Subscribers accessing the Services under the supervision of a Subscriber. If we collect materially different personal data or materially change how we use the data, we will notify you and may also modify this Privacy Policy.

Your or a Non-Subscriber’s continued use of our Services after we publish or send a notice about our changes to this Privacy Policy means that you are consenting to the updated Privacy Policy. However, where required under applicable law, we will obtain additional consent from you for such changes.

Account Closure and Data Retention

Your account with Owner may be closed in accordance with the Terms. All information, material or data provided by you or a Non-Subscriber acting under your control and supervision may be retained by Owner even after the closure of the Account to comply with legal obligations (including law enforcement requests), meet regulatory requirements, resolve disputes, maintain security, prevent fraud and abuse, enhance the Services of other Users and enforce our rights and any sensitive personal data collected from you will only be retained by as, as long as it is necessary. Any information collected in accordance with this Privacy Policy will be collected by us and retained either by us or by onboarding institutions (who want their students to access the services), customers, associates and partners.

Privacy Policy Exclusion

Information that a User has shared with third parties during the validity of the account shall remain visible even after the User has closed the account or deleted the information from his/ her own profile or workflow, and we do not control data that other Users may have copied out of our Services. a User’s profile may continue to be displayed in the services of others (e.g., search engine results) until they refresh their cache.

This Privacy Policy does not extend to the aforementioned scenarios.

The Site may provide links to third party websites. As the said websites are not governed by the Terms or this Privacy Policy, any data or information that a User may share while accessing the said websites are not protected under this Privacy Policy. The said third party websites may have their own regulations in relation to data privacy and a User is advised to familiarize himself/herself with such regulations before he/she submits any personal data or information.

Owner shall not be liable for any breach/unauthorized access/illegal use of data or information submitted by a User while accessing any third party website.

We monitor for and take measures to prevent security breaches.

We implement security safeguards designed to protect a User’s data, such as HTTPS. We regularly monitor our systems for possible vulnerabilities and attacks. However, we cannot warrant the security of any information that a User sends us. There is no guarantee that data may not be illegally or in an unauthorized manner accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed by breach of any of our physical, technical, or managerial safeguards. We adopt adequate measures to prevent unauthorized access to your information and have implemented reasonable security practices commensurate to the standards required under applicable law.

Information contained in email messages may not be secure/encrypted and may be viewed by third parties. Subscriber shall ensure that Non-Subscriber acting under his/her control and supervision may therefore exercise caution while including personal information/data in any email that you may wish to send to Owner.

Your Rights

Right of Access, Modification and Deletion: You can access your information at any time to review any information that you have supplied. You may modify any information that has been found to be inaccurate during such review.

You may also request the deletion any sensitive personal information that you have provided to us, by sending an email to the Grievance Officer mentioned below. Please note however that this may affect our ability to provide you with products or services as applicable and may therefore lead to discontinuation of such services or provision of products for which this information was being used for, at our sole discretion.

Contact Information

User can contact us or use other options to resolve any complaints.

[If you have questions or complaints regarding this Policy, please contact Owner at